Really nice work, Naplex1!
Your idea is interesting, personally I think you could use a different insect for each type of weaponry (for example, stag beetles for Missile, wasps for Balance, etc), then increasing the details and/or using different variants of the same insect for each type of hull (for example, using standard stag beetle for Tiny, a bit more elaborated model for Small, the rainbow stag beetle for Medium, etc).
Back to my new shipset, here comes the final step, the Huge hull.
As you can see from the Beam unit, the main feature is the presence of a pair of giant extra arms (with attached shoulder cannons) that dramatically increase the unit's firepower.

The Missile unit hasn't the extra arms. However it perfectly fits the standard description used by GalCiv 3 for this type of unit: "So, so many missiles".

Finally, each unit has an modified and updated head.