After several days spent working with the Designer I finally start to produce good units. So I announce you I've started to work on my first complete shipset. It will take a while before finishing it, but I'll do my best and once i'll finish it I'll share it with you.
This first set (as you may expect) will be a variation on standard Terran set (with some pieces from the Builder Kit). As you can see in my first attempts, I like a simple style, without too much finery. Maybe you will consider it too plain and boring but I hope you'll like it.
The first set of ships I'm ready to show is the Tiny Hull:
first, we have the Kinetic fighter (it's a minor variation of the one I've already posted)

next is the Missile bomber
now we have the Beam fighter (a bit unconventional compared to the previous ones, but I think it's nice)
finally the Balance fighter (I think it's the best looking one)
Stay tuned for the next updates!