Don't update yur game it messes up the advent starbases if anyone can tell me how to fix this or also needs it fixed plz post!
Could you be more specific about the problem you're experiencing?
Well my starbases are well silowets they are pure black no detailes even when they are being constructed. everything else works so far exept that.
I have been getting crashes and freezes every time I play since this update! About to bail this game.
To cover the easy one, make sure your video card drivers are up to date. If they are, shoot and email to with a detailed description of your problem and your system specs.
Just priceless
I am having the same issues with the star bases just appearing as black silhouettes after the latest Entrenchment update.
wvietor: Please also email
i got a new laptop with better everything and all the problems are gone. thx for your help Rosco_p
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