Explaining it further:
SC2 felt realistic, the universe,star systems and planets, space itself, the physics and tech. Yes you cannot have a 1:1 replica of the universe but SC2 was made to be as realistic possible without compromising the fun aspect.
It's a delicate line, it can be be realistic and fun.
Yes the Aliens and a few other things is not 100% real, but that's not what i'm worried about because it is possible to encounter aliens on other planets in our reality, i personally believe we might rather find exotic animals and rather other humans far out in space, rather than aliens as we want them to look like, but having aliens in SC2 or SCO is close enough to humans, ie in the sense of interesting intelligent creatures.
And it's just super cool to meet these guys and get to know them, their cultures, some with humour and others not 
However the universe/star systems/ planets, physics, technology was all based on science or science fiction which means technology that could be possible in future, And the universe as we know it was for the most part as real as it could be without sacrificing the enjoyment factor.