Thanks for the comment!
As I mentioned above, it affects all fast, slow turning ships and so I took the liberty to ratio ships from Star Control I & 2 speed / turning radius and here's what we get:
Mnrmmhrm Y-Form: 50 / 0.07 = 714.3 (by far the worst)
Mycon Podship: 27 / 0.14 = 192.9
Chenjesu Broodhome: 27 / 0.142 = 190.1
Melnorme Trader: 36 / 0.2 = 180
Kohr-Ah Marauder: 30 / 0.2 = 150
Ur-Quan Dreadnought: 30 / 0.2 = 150
Vux Intruder: 21 / 0.142 = 147.9
Chmmr Avatar: 35 / 0.25 = 140
I think that all these ships (especially the Y-Form) would also have problems in a constrained arena, especially if they gravity whipped. It would be hard to go maximum speed before having to turn around and their turning radius might also be greater than the arena radius.
I currently find that you spend so much time maneuvering in the confined space for certain ships that it makes it a chore to play fleet battles. It also seriously limits the strategy of playing ships in combat and also designing ships in the Workship. A ship's acceleration also comes into play here and gravity whipping is also seriously hampered if you can't turn very quickly.
Perhaps it is a paradigm shift in how Fleet Battles is played, but so far I find this paradigm to be too limiting.
I also know what is wrong with a lot of the ships in Fleet Battles now: the weapon systems are not intuitive. As I mentioned above, I could pick up new ships more easily in Time Warp than Fleet Battles and it is because the weapon systems / special abilities don't seem very intuitive to me. The learning curve for playing the ships is greater because they don't seem to mesh well with the state of how Fleet Battles has been implemented.
I think a lot more thought needs to go into the weapon systems / special abilities to make them more intuitive so that new players aren't turned off by the steep learning curve of certain ships.