Has Stardock set up an official Discord server/channel for any of the elemental games? Or Sins? I know they have GalCiv, Star Control, Offworld, and Ashes already. Thanks.
Not as far as I know, but if they do an official one for the Elemental games, I hope they let us know in this thread. Gonna subscribe so I don't miss it.
There is already one for Sins.
Thanks Rhonin!
Hey everyone! We also have the new Stardock.net server for all Stardock related games and software. It can be found at Discord.gg/Stardock.
With channels for Fallen Enchantress discussion and Fallen Enchantress bug reporting.
We are trying to keep things more consolidated right now but if fans are also encouraged to start communities. If we ever do have an official Elemental-specific server we will certainly let you guys know.
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