We hope you're having an awesome time adventuring throughout the sector. We wanted to give you an update of some of the enhancements we are making based on your feedback.
1. Visited Stars dimming - This will be going back in today. At a glance you'll be able to tell which stars you visited.
2. Enhanced Captain's Log - The CL display will be getting a minimap so that you can click on a star and it will show you where that destination is before you go into auto pilot. Same for the Objectives screen. This will all be part of a QOL update for v1.2 which will include lots of other touches that we think you'll like.
3. Free DLC1 - The Multiverse DLC will be released as a free DLC. We expect this to be released next week. It will make it fairly easy for people to begin modding the game in earnest and controlling which mods are on and off. We are working on some sample mods to help get the ball rolling. The multiverse is something we'll be continually updating based on your wishlists.
4. Free DLC2 - As we imagine new things, we begin to put them together to continually flesh out the universe. None of this requires starting a new game but the content we'll be releasing is mostly things that will improve replayability and help you build your character through your actions throughout the game.
If you have any QOL (quality of life) updates you'd like to see, chime in here. You're the boss!