Here is my entry fleet 
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The Frontiers Rubbish corporation of Earth has sent millions of units of waste material into stars for a variety of reasons. Ultimately, predominantly for use in Terraforming.
But as their Media relations representative likes to point out, the company was built on humble beginnings, tiny rocket propelled pods of waste were clumsily biffed in all manner of directions, most of which hit their target, a few crash landed on asteroids or planets and one...
One fell into orbit around a distant star system, where it was gently heated as its orbit tightened encouraging a bacterial arms race within the rotting radioactive trash heap.
No sooner had one species established dominance, their top minds had calculated that at the increasing rate of their orbital periods, they would soon be cooked within their “homeworld” so they set about learning about their environment and before long, they had mastered the controls of their primitive rocket craft and by pure coincidence, they were already producing a renewable fuel source as a byproduct of metabolising the waste material in the canister.
But after countless eons living in peace and confined within the vastness of space, they have found a new problem to adapt to, they've run out of food.
Ever the resourceful minds, the colony sent expeditions (Boarding Party) to find food, but they rarely returned, they would usually splat against a nutritional object so hungry that they would turn rogue, forsaking the colony and feasting until reaching critical mass and dying off. If they ever did return, it was empty handed, looking for a ration. So the colony began work on a means of extracting nutrients from nearby objects using electro-gravitic fields to literally tear them apart (invitation), at a much greater rate of success and now, they set out to find their next food source.
With telltale signs of having been manufactured at some stage, this unmanned robotic ship appears to have been fashioned after an as yet unknown humanoid creature, perhaps its' creator? But at this stage its' actual origins are unknown.
It seems to be able to open some sort of inter-dimensional portal (Black Hole), but all science teams entering the portals have disappeared entirely and, after multiple attempts at contact, are now presumed KIA. To further add to the mystery, any attempts to come into hailing range of the robot have resulted in a localised breakdown of space-time (Demotivator) tearing apart approaching vessels with any survivors having sustained heavy damage.
One thing is certain. However this thing came into being, it is now a threat to life in the quadrant and should NOT be approached for any reason.
Derpen E-Jet
Direct communications with the Derpen have been less than enlightening. Diplomats attempting contact have received multiple pictures of small furry creatures paired with unintelligible statements of what can only be presumed to be some low brow form of sarcasm. However, their ship A.I. appears to be highly advanced and has sent an extensive history of the species in our own language. The species appears to have evolved in an entirely isolated corner of space long ago and lived among the stars for the majority of their recorded history. Once leaders in engineering and information technology, their hi tech gadgets made life so easy for them that, for generations, their culture has been without need to advance or progress. By this point, they spend their entire lives doing nothing but capturing imagery of their pets, their meals and engaging in an activity known to them as “Trelling” where once an image is uploaded to their “clerd” database. They will then take turns adding unkind remarks to the image until the image is once again removed from the database in an act known as “Reij Qu'Ting”. Thankfully(?) before devolving into such a state their lead R&D teams had developed what is quite possibly the most advanced self maintaining vessel in the universe, capable not only of sustaining the lives of its “crew” but also defending its creators against hostile encounters by disabling their propulsion systems (De-Energizer Bolt) and stationing external turrets (Drone Release) to both detract attention from the ship itself and fire upon the aggressor once in range.
Berr-kin Mace
Evolving on a dense forest planet, the Berr-Kin had it all, until they realised their neighboring clans had it all too. Coming to the conclusion that they couldn't all have everything, the clans independently decided the only way to truly have it ALL was to take it, through open warfare. The Berr-Kin quickly became adept in destructive technologies as they took turns firing larger and larger explosives (Canister Mine) from camouflaged artillery positions within the the forest. This went on for some time until one day, the discovery of plasma field technology gave one clan a distinct edge, the ability to shoot through the surface of their planet. Initially this lead to precision strikes which quickly disabled the more immediate threats from rival clans, but once they were all were dealt with, the victors grew wary of a new threat, the possibility that the as yet unevolved inhabitants of their planet would one day become advanced enough to form a resistance and rise up against them. This could not be tolerated. In a massive coordinated offensive, the Berr-Kin began using their plasma beams (Big Long Range Laser) to scrub the planet clean of all life, flora and fauna alike. A great success, with the unexpected side effect of destabilising the planetary core, forcing the clan to evacuate in their largest battle cruisers and take to the stars just in time to watch the shell of their charred world collapse into a dust cloud.
Not considered a peaceful race by any stretch of the imagination, they become particularly aggressive when reminded of the fate of their once lush and plentiful homeworld.