Dark Space
This is a total conversion mod, at the minute there are only two selectable races, but I plan to add two more.
1. The Humans
Take control of Humanity in the year 2210. Starting with basic Space travel technology, progressing through to advanced Battleships.

United Earth BattleShip with Earth and The International Space Station in the Background.
2. The Swarm
An insectoid race incapable of negotiations due to their highly aggressive nature, existing only to expand the Hive.

A Swarm Hive Ship
-Unique Hyperspace travel for both races. Humans with consistent hyperspace speed but can improve through research. The Swarm are fast in gravity wells and between owned worlds but slow to enemy or unowned planets.
-All new Abilities including - Nukes, Admiral on board, Mind control parasites and much more.
-Massive map representing the Milky Way Galaxy with real star names and positions (well sort of!).
-New Galactic wonders such as black holes, new stars, new worlds and worlds destroyed by a mysterious unknown force.
-Realistic SOL system with Earth, Mars etc.
-Massive gravity wells. Space is a big place after all.
-Completely new Planet modules and all new ships. The vast majority are from NEXUS -THE JUPITER INCIDENT (a great game, I highly recommend it).
-New sounds and music. The Swarm have all new sounds to give them a real alien insect feel.
-A universe without Shields!
-Antimatter replaced by Tactical Weapons for Humans! Abilities drain tactical weapon count, and can only be replaced at specially built resupply stations.
-Completely new Research tree unique to each race. Humans can make vast technology jumps, while the Swarm improve and expand the Hive.
-NO ERRORS!!!! I've spent days hunting down and correcting the error messages that pop up in the dev. This mod is error free!
This MOD is for Rebellion and is still very much a work in progress. Gameplay is still being balanced and new features are being added on a regular basis. Any constructive criticism or feedback is welcome.
Alpha Version released 10 July 2013.
Beta Version 0.9 released 19 April 2015
New download link provided by harpo.