It's official. The FDA has approved the RFID chip for use in humans. Up till now it was only for use in pets and by a few very paranoid people who have had their kids chipped in case they get snatched. There have also been a few CEO's and other corporate types who have had the chip implanted as it's being used for electronic locks in some buildings. Here's the article on MSNBC.
FDA approves computer chip for humans
I'm sorry but there's no way in hell I'd get one of these. How many things have the FDA approved only to later find out they cause cancer or birth defects? Lots of things. How do they know the weak signals put off by the chip won't cause cancer ten or twenty years down the road? They don't, because they haven't done long term studies of that time-frame.
Apparently President Bush even had/has a ten year plan to get the majority of the US population implanted with these god awful little things. Here's a quote:
" The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday announced $139 million in grants to help make real President Bush’s push for electronic health records for most Americans within a decade. "
Medical records aren't stored on the chip its-self, but rather on a so called "secure" server. Here's a bit of truth for you. There's NO SUCH THING as a "Secure" server. If it's physically connected to the internet then it's possible it can be hacked, period. Just like with Sony and their violations of the consumer code that states a customers credit information should NEVER be stored on a server connected to the web. Instead customer information, credit card numbers and passwords, should be on a server that's NOT connected to the web except for when a customer makes a transaction. If Sony would have followed these laws they never would have lost people's credit information.
The other main concern is this chip DOES allow the person who has been chipped to be tracked at all times. Good luck trying to hide if you ever needed to. Now, one could argue that if you don't do anything wrong there's no reason for you to care whether or not you can be tracked by satellite. Well, Fuck That!!! I don't want uncle sam or some corporate douchebag being able to see where I am at every second of the day because I've been tagged like some cattle.
Either way, this type of future is now coming whether we want it or not. Eventually it will get to the point where you won't be able to live in our society without being chipped. If this goes over well you really think they won't decide to start doing transactions with it or start using it to access banking? Think again, because it WILL happen. Mark my words. It won't be over-night and it may take a decade, but if the next generation of kids is brought up to think being chipped is normal, in only two generations time every person in the US and eventually the civilized world will have one of these little bastards implanted into them.
Fear the future....Fight for your Privacy. Because if you don't, you won't have any. Just as our rights are being taken away with every new law passed. Just as the freedom of the internet is being taken away by corporate douchebags who want to make more money. Soon, there will be no freedom or privacy at all and no-one will care. That's not a future I want to be a part of....