Thanks everyone for your help, my HD score was 4.2 and remained 4.2 but the processor dropped from 4.6 to 3.6 and I just don't understand how a processor could drop like that. I flashed the bios, downloaded a driver app from AMD and its returning all my drivers as up to date on every peripheral in my machine. 
My primary concern is I've been waiting 2 years for Elemental and the beta version is clocking my CPU between 70 and 100% and regularly crashing. I hate to get a new machine to play a game but I can't even upgrade the processor. The highest AMD went in this line was the Turion ML 44 and that only raises the clockspeed by .4 ghz which I don't believe would get me much performance improvement. I'm not aware of any other processor that would fit the chipset and while I've built towers and minitowers before, I'm not as comfortable rebuilding a laptop.
Just a little frustrated that this machine is only a few years old and already outdated. More than that I'm suprised at the dip in performance I've seen in games (Civ 4, NWN 2) since installing Win 7. I should stick with home made towers instead of prebuilt laptops.