Some people refuse to believe the truth even when it's right there in front of their face.
Thing is, kona, you have proved nothing to me... nothing that categorically refutes my assertion that Google is an intrusive/invasive/ in-your-face parasite that leeches personal data to target people with ads.
Shall I take a screenshot of my Gmail Starkers? Very few ads. Just one line above the email I'm reading. And that ad has nothing to do with my email.
Thing is, you GET ads within your emails... I don't. One line above the email, to me, is intrusive and takes a liberty with personal correspondence. However, your experience of just one line is not the case for everyone. I've had several people tell me that they ge/got much more, often interspersed throughout their received emails.
For example, my niece and her husband often had ads at the top, in between paragraphs and at the bottom when they used Gmail. with each being targetted with ads based on the searches/interests of the other because they shared the same IP address and had similar email addys (family name with year of birth to distinguish them).
Both got so pissed off with the constant ads they switched to Hotmail and are much happier with the service, as are several others who complained about Google's email/ad practices.