You crack me up Starkers. Your logic is flawed.
I'm so pleased that I amuse you, kona, that has made my day. 
However, my logic regarding Google is no more flawed than anyone else's... unless of course they think the sun shines out of Google's proverbial arse. Thing is, I opened my eyes and am not blinded by the Google hype and: "Look at all the free services we are providing" If Google were purely a search engine provider who had a few free apps on the side, well I'd be a little less hostile towards it... but it's not... purely a provider of free services.
With everything Google does there are agendas and commecial strings attached, seeking purely to profit from your data/usage... and none of it is free. Google charges its clients huge sums of money for on-line advertising... and those costs are passed on to the consumer.
Furthermore, as Jafo alludes to, Google "uses market oriented censorship" and floods the internet with information of its own choosing... meaning that products of non-Google clients get buried and consumer choice is thus restricted to what they want us to buy/know. Now think, if you will, what this does to market competition and pricing... how a 'Google' oriented world helps create a monopolistic marketplace because it keeps popping up the same retailers/providers, while neglecting other reputable dealers who offer the same or similar products with great service at a competitive price. This is how/why many smaller operators go to the wall.. and why the larger, monopolistic ones think they can charge consumers whatever the fuck they like.
What really gets me is how many people think that Google is "God's Gift" and believe it is the best search engine in the World, when clearly it is not... because if it were, Google would not restrict search results to what it wants you to see/buy, but provide all-inclusive results to offer consumers greater choice. No, what Google does instead is repeat several provider entries dozens of times over several pages, as if to say: "Oh looky, see what we have done for you. Nope, that does not a good search provider make... and let's not confuse paid ads with search results... two different animals.
Google has the technology and resources, the all feeling all knowing tentacles to provide all-inclusive search results, but it chooses not to display them, and this serves to create an uncompetitive, captive market that's designed to serve compliant slaves to monopolistic practices, which is why I get out into the stores and research when I want/need to buy goods. I refuse to be led around by the nose and be indoctinated like that, by Google or anyone else... and no, yahoo search is no better when it comes to consumer choice.
Not only that, Google/Yahoo/online shopping makes people lazy.. and how may people have swallowed the online blurb about a certain product only to find it's not what they want/all it was cracked up to be once it's delivered. Nah, get out into the stores and research/check it out yourself... it's amazing how many choices/alternatives there are in the 'real world'
@ Jafo #59. Yeah, everything you said.