I think that anyone selling anything should charge whatever the market will support (balancing that you want return customers and lower pricing might lead to volume). The market may be different in different locations and thus the price.
Selling at a personal site gives a seller 100% of the profits and selling here does not. Wincustomize takes a percentage for the "marketing and distrubution". I think they deserve that. So an artist might charge more here to recoup the % lost or they may charge more here because the likelyhood of an impulse buyer is higher and might pay more.
Is it a practice I would do? Probably not not. Especially if someone buys at a higher price-point in one place and finds it lower at another.
One of the nice things about the Master program is that you are not tied to Wincustomize to sell your stuff. If you make that rank, you've done your time already. Selling content here is a reward for contributions and everyone (skinner, Wincustomize, and the users) can be a winner. If a skinner was forced to only sell their work here . . . well . . I'm not sure that there would be so many winners.
An interesting question would be "what if a journeyman had a personal site where they sold content and they got promoted to Master?" Would they have to close their other site?